What is Love? Meaning of love in a Relationship and tips for everlasting love.
Love is a complex set of emotions or feelings, it is determined based on the individual’s stage and mindset. Everyone is advocating that love is the solution to all problems but at the same time, the majority of mental illnesses recorded now are because of “Love”. Every day we are hearing Love is everything, love for all, love is eternal, etc… What is Love? What is the meaning of Love in Relationships, let’s see a few pointers.
What is Love?
Love is a complex set of emotions, behaviors & beliefs associated with a strong feeling of affection, protectiveness, warmth & respect for another person.
Only in love, you can feel a variety of feelings, emotions, and values like Intimacy, Passion, Commitment, Pain, Protectiveness, Attraction, Affection, Closeness, Care, Happiness, excitement, Euphoria, and life satisfaction.
Already I have written an article about love, love symptoms, love feelings, what kind of chemical changes happen in your body when you are in love, and how it reflects in your body, mind, and behaviors. Check here to know about it.
Meaning of Love in Relationships:
The core aspect of love is “Intimacy, Passion, and commitment”
The intimacy, you can feel in friendship too, that is sharing common beliefs.
Passion means that it usually involves sexual attraction
Commitment reflects in the form of respect, safety, and protection in a relationship.
It’s a pain when you don’t get a response to your love proposal, Poet writes as
“Feel like a paper which is flying in the wind.
Hell is better!!
Even my enemy not to suffer this love pain ”
காற்றில் பறக்கும்
காகிதம் ஆனேன்காதலின்
அவஸ்தை எதிாிக்கும்
வேண்டாம் நரக சுகம் அல்லவா
“I will also get a little wet when you take a bath” – Passionate
நீ குளிக்கையில்
நானும் கொஞ்சம் நனைவேன்
“The breath, I inspire is yours
The blood that runs in your body is mine” – The level of intimacy
வாங்கும் மூச்சு காற்று உனதல்லவாஉன் தேகம் ஓடும்
ரத்தம் எனதல்லவா
“Even if the world would burst into dust, I protect you in that one dust” – commitment
இந்த உலகம் தூளாய்
உடைந்து போனாலும்
அதன் ஒரு துகளில்
உன்னை கரை சேர்ப்பேன்
These are some lyrics that talk about the intensity of love in Tamil songs
So the meaning of love in relationships includes everything and it purely depends upon the situation, mindset, and maturity.
Tips for Everlasting love:
Emotional intelligence is the main secret to everlasting love in Relationships.
The first step of love -Know yourself:
Have an honest look at yourself. Know your impulses, emotions, triggering factors, reactions, and responses to internal and external stimuli. When you know yourself in depth, you won’t blame others and take responsibility for the things that happen in and around you. Read about Self-awareness in detail, it gives an idea.
The second step of love is – Regulate yourself:
After knowing yourself completely, you don’t get an idea of changing the people around you. Because many times in love relationships, knowingly or unknowingly, we expect others to change for us.
When you are aware of yourself, you are in a position or you are in the mood to grow into your higher self, instead of blaming others, you will be working on regulating your emotions, impulses, and disruptive behaviors.
The third stage of love- Energizers:
Once you regulate yourself, your attitude towards life will change. You accept life as it is, and you see your problems as Challenges. You become highly motivated. This intrinsic motivation, positivity, and resilient quality impart your energy, vitality, and spirit to your loved ones.
The meaning of love:
The core expectancy of a relationship is “Understanding”. Understanding blossoms once you are tolerant. Because tolerance is a moral virtue and it needs patience, acceptance, and understanding.
When you start accepting your weakness & failures and you are comfortable in reflecting on your good & ugliest part, you don’t need or tend to project because you tolerate enough to recognize and experience the negative aspect of yourselves.
That is where Empathy and Compassion begin and you become connected to your loved ones Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually.
“Love means unconditional acceptance of yourself and others. It all starts with you. When you want to give a cup of tea to your loved ones, first you should have one. Likewise, have love in order to show and give it. Connect to yourself first, to rise in love”
Watch the video to know about the Spiritual perspective of love
Photo Credits : Unsplash
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