

Welcome to “DOCTORGKO”.

“DoctorGko” is – Doctor related to Health, Disease, and Science.”KO” means King in Tamil. The main attribute of King is Leadership. So DoctorGko deals with Health Tips & Leadership Tricks.

We Dr. Raja Rajeswari Arabi & Dr. Gayathri Aradhana are Consultant Homoeopathic Physicians, from Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India.

Our family members used to call Raja Rajeswari as Ra” ji”, the pronunciation of JI is “G”,  and The first letter from Gayathri connects Doctor and Ko. Hence DoctorGko!!!


Health” & “Leadership” for Everyone


Empowering Individuals as Leaders through sound Physical, Mental, Emotional & Soul Health.

Dr.Raja Rajeswari Arabi {A} Raji Arabi BHMS., MBA{Operations} & Dr. Gayathri Aradhana BHMS, MBA {Operations} Consultant Homoeopathic Physician & Healthcare Operation & Management Professional having 20+yrs of combined experience in Healthcare.

This diverse experience both as a Doctor and Management Professional makes them understand Human beings in Deep and thus paves an additional journey as Wellness Consultants.


  • Respiratory illnesses like Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis
  • Migraine & Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, IBD, Chronic Constipation, acidity
  • Women’s health issues like menstrual irregularities, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, PCOS, PCOD, and Menopausal syndrome. 
  • Skin problems like Psoriasis, Eczema, Allergic dermatitis, Seborrheic dermatitis, Lichen plans, Fungal infection
  • Obesity Management
  • Hair fall, Alopecia
  • Chronic Pain Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Back pain, Cervical Pain
  • Odontalgia after tooth extraction, Acute toothache, dental infection, Gingivitis. 
  • Mental Health & Wellness – Stress Management, Emotional Health disturbances, Postpartum depression, Depression, Anxiety disorders, Anger issues. 
  • Paediatrics – Homoeopathic medicines to build immunity in children against the commonest childhood diseases. Examination fear, Anxiety, behavioural disturbances and the above-mentioned complaints
  • Services like Emotional Intelligence Training, Lifestyle Coaching, Wellness Programs for employees, Health Education

You can reach them at [email protected] & [email protected]

Homoeopathy is not fantasy; it is in harmony with Nature’s way of healing – Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

What is Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that originated in the late eighteenth century in Germany, founded by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann.

It works under the law of “Similia Similibus Curentur” and Homoeopathic medicines act by stimulating the body’s self-healing process and attaining cure on Physical, Mental and Emotional levels

According to WHO, it is the second largest system of medicine in the world, especially beneficial for Arthritis, skin, respiratory disease, gastric problems and various allergies.

Over 200 million people worldwide benefit from their acute and chronic conditions.

In Homoeopathy, we never treat the disease, we treat the person who is having the disease. So prescription is purely based on individuality.

Homoeopathic medicines are made from natural resources like Plants, Minerals and animal extracts. They do not contain any hormones or steroids and are not addictive.

Benefits of Homoeopathy:

  1. Homoeopathic medicines are generally safe and there are no side effects.
  2. Homoeopathic medicines are gentle, non-toxic and it is safe and a good choice for the treatment of all age groups including children and elderly people. It is safe for pregnant women too.
  3. Homoeopathy renders cure and healing rather than mere alleviation of disease.
  4. Homoeopathic medicines are easily palatable and easy to administer
  5. Best supportive management for chronically ill patients. 


Does Homoeopathy have Side Effects?

Homoeopathy medicines are proven on Healthy human beings, there are no “dangerous side effects”

Homoeopathic aggravation sometimes happens during the course of the curative action of a given medicine.

“A Right Homoeopathic Physician Handles it Peacefully!!”

Does Homoeopathy medicine have Dietary restrictions?

Usually, there are no such food restrictions for Homoeopathic medicines as long as you maintain the half-hour rule, before and after the intake of homoeopathic medicine. 

Sometimes, your Homoeopathy Doctor may advise you not to take coffee. Apart from that, there are no dietary restrictions for taking Homoeopathic medicine. But remember, If a special diet is advised for you that is for your disease, not for the medicines. 

Can I take Allopathy or other systems of medicine along with Homoeopathy medicine?

Yes, you can. If you are suffering from Diabetes Mellitus for more than 10 years, but recently wanted to take Homoeopathy medicine for your other ailments like Inflammatory bowel Disease, Hypothyroidism, Allergic Rhinitis or any other issues, You need not stop your Diabetic medicine abruptly. In fact, it is not advisable to.

How to take Homoeopathic Medicine?

You should not touch it with your bare hand. Instead, drop the required quantity of pills {as prescribed by your Homoeopathic Physician} from the container into its own cap or top and then put it on or under your tongue.

Medicine dissolves automatically in your mouth. No need for water to take Homoeopathy medicine.

The important rule is your mouth should be clean and you should maintain the half-hour rule. The half-hour rule means you should not have any food before or after the intake of Homoeopathic medicine. Since medicine dissolves in the mouth itself, it should not be mingled with food as the food has the chance to interfere with the absorption and action of the medicine.

Homoeopathic medicine should not be taken along with Hot drinks or Cold drinks. If your Homoeopathic Doctor advised you not to take coffee, just avoid it.