Does Homoeopathy have Side effects?
Side effects mean if you are treated for one problem with medication, you will get another symptom with some relief of symptoms which you are treated for. (Commonest Eg. You take painkillers for headache, you feel better but you may have some digestive disturbances because of the adverse effect of tablets)
But in Homoeopathy, there are no side effects, but there will be another term called “Homoeopathic Aggravation” which happens as a result of increased potency or excessive Dosage of medicine, where the same symptoms will be increased that happens at the end of the cure. Sometimes, Medicinal symptoms are seen in the patient which is mild & new to them and that is also because of the increased dosage.
“A Right Homoeopathic Physician handles it Peacefully!!”
Since Homoeopathy medicines are proven on Healthy human beings, there are no “dangerous side effects”
Homoeopathic aggravation usually happens during the course of the curative action of a given medicine.
At the same time, if the correct similimum {Medicine} is not selected, the medicine will not produce any curative action & the original disease may progress into the next stage… Eg. Unmanaged Hypertension may lead to kidney failure.
Very importantly, the saddest part is people nowadays prescribe other Siddha or Ayurveda products under the name of Homoeopathy. Since they don’t aware of the proper Dosage of medicine, there is more chance of getting side effects to the patients.
Concluding that, Homoeopathy does not have side effects, since it works under the law of minimum dose and Potentization.
Every system has its own law, it should be understood by its own law. How Homoeopathy can be understood?!!
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