Is Homoeopathy a Science?!
Is Homoeopathy a Pseudoscience?!!!. Homoeopathy medicines actions are nothing but Placebo effect and it is just a belief and faith. It is only for functional diseases or symptoms which don’t need any medicines. There are so many controversies, confusions and criticisms raised all over the world, even in some countries it is banned!! Yeah, Homoeopathy is science, Lets discuss some practical views.
“Homoeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world. Homoeopathy is especially beneficial for arthritis, skin, respiratory disease, gastric problems and various allergies” –WHO
This article, I am not going to talk about Homoeopathy in detail, neither about History nor about Medicines action. There are so many theories postulated, so many researches happened to prove Homoeopathy and to disprove Homoeopathy related to above. I am here, try to explain about the reality & perception of science and its synchronization with Homoeopathy.
What is SCIENCE?
Systemic, Comprehensive, Investigation, Exploration of Natural Cause & Effect.
Scientific knowledge is Empirical, grounded in objective, tangible evidence that can be observed time and time again, regardless of who is observing. The hallmark of scientific research is that there is evidence to support the claim.
So when you try to understand Homoeopathy, just perceive it through the scientific method as mentioned in the definition. Because the problem starts here.
The critics criticized Homoeopathy by comparing it with Allopathy.
It’s like expecting the same 26 letters of the English alphabet in the other languages. Each language has its unique literature, grammar etc. The verb is present in the second word of the sentence in English whereas it is present at the end in Tamil. You should not expect the same theory & procedure on each and every system.
“Two things are infinite, the universe and Human Stupidity. I am not sure about the Universe” – Einstein
A few things!!
Its Homoeopathy!! Not Homeopathy
“Like cures like” means A thorn can only be removed with another thorn which means removing the thorn by using sharp things like thorns.
Note: Don’t take it as, if we treat burns by applying heat or pouring hot liquid on that area.
In Homoeo, a Substance which produces certain signs and symptoms in the HEALTHY BODY has the capacity to cure a disease which produces similar signs and symptoms. {Systemic}
Note: Based on the Constitution, Temperament, Diathesis, Miasmatic background, and Current status of the particular Individuals, Medicines will be selected and based on susceptibility and disease nature, potency and dose will be determined and later Medicines will be administered. {Comprehensive}
That’s why, it takes 5 ½ yrs to study Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery {BHMS} and experts are born on experience.
So hereafter don’t quote, onion causes irritation in the eyes and nose, that’s why drugs prepared from onion{Allium cepa} is the remedy for Allergic Rhinitis. That’s not Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathy treats the person who is having the disease, not the disease alone.
There is no specific medicine for a specific disease in Homoeopathy, {Don’t think about Epidemics here, I will write a separate article about it} there are medicines for individuals who are having the disease.
For specific diseases, specific medicine is given on Allopathy
Here, one thing want to highlight,
If you are having Asthma or any complaints, you will go and visit one Doctor, if you are not feeling better by taking that medicines, you will visit another doctor. Again, if you are not feeling good, you just change the Doctor. Every time, you say, ”That doctor is not good, not suited to me, My complaints remain the same..bla..blah..”
You change the Doctor, not the System!!
But when you take Homoeopathy medicines by consulting a Homoeopathy Doctor, if you are not recovered, you are immediately labelled as “Homoeopathy not works, it’s slow”. Why? Why didn’t you consult another Homoeopath?
Here, you change the system, not the Doctor!!
“Homoeopath may fail, But Homoeopathy never fails in its scope”
It’s not dilutions, it is Potentisation!!!
Agitation is the movement of one or more components of the mixture to improve contact. Even the Agitation of water causes a reduction in the agglomeration of the liquid and changes its normal properties.
Succussion{Process of shaking with violence} in the process of Potentisation of medicines has some properties in the content which have an impact on our body when it is taken.
Here is the Research journal about the Potentisation of Homoeo medicines, click here {Investigations}
So dears, please understand that it is not a drop in the sea!!
Does Homoeopathy have side effects?
The Germ theory concept was developed around 1850 after the breakthrough of development in microscopy technology. Prior to that? It is the evil or foul smell cause the disease.
This is the classical example of a concept that, something is right before which is not right now.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science” – Einstein
Exploration of natural cause and effect!!
The cause is Infection {Bacteria or virus or other micro-organisms}, and the effect is a disease. Here, the cause is changed and proposed as derangement of the Immune system and now in the advanced stage of the 21st century, it is evolving as disturbances in Mental & Emotional Health.
The advanced concept was narrated by Dr.Hahnemann, Father of Homoeopathy in his Aphorisms 210, 213, 216, 218,225 in the book of Organon of medicine {6 editions} between the years of 1810 and to1843.
Placebo effect!!
What is placebo effect, read here!!
Sharing the image of pathological cases and their treatment through Homoeopathy {since it is visible and accepted}.
Here is the Medicine Secale cornutum 30 is given for both cases by different Doctors based on individuality.
After the medicine administration, its effect can be visible through the betterment of illness.{Patient got recovered}
{Cause & Effect}
Is there any possibility to treat Secondary Raynaud’s through the Placebo effect?
Is there any possibility to treat Diabetic foot through a placebo effect?
If Homoeopathy is the placebo, Why don’t you just leave this kind of case without giving any medicines?!!
Here is the evidence which proves the effect of Homeopathy medicines on the body {Person}by curing the Pathological disease.
Note: Patient consent was taken to publish their images

Finishing here now will write about vital force, the immune system concept, the psychology concept & Homoeopathy in the next article and make you understand Homoeopathy is Science!!!
Homoeopathy is science when you perceived it through scientific concepts. Each and every system of medicine has its own scope and limitation. Homoeopathy also has its limitation, we never advise the patient to take homoeopathy medicine when the major artery is cut or when the bone break..likewise some major life-threatening emergencies.
I personally respect each and every system. Growth is the fractured patient comes back to his normal independent life within a few weeks of surgery. This is purely because of the development of surgical procedures which reduces the duration of bedridden. Initially, it was around 6 months to 1 year, in some cases, throughout life.
At the same time, Growth is not doing IVF for 30 yrs old Primary Infertility.
Again documenting, Each & Every system has its own scope and limitations, when you start understanding, acknowledging and being aware of your own profession’s scopes and limitations and practising the same in an ethical manner, that is the best thing you are doing for your profession and Humanity. Let’s embrace Humanity.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you in to atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you”- Werner Heisenberg
Asthma and Homoeopathy
Neuroplasticity-Things to know about your for Emotional development and habit formation
Self awareness, shadow & Projections in psychology with Examples -EI
Immune system & Antibiotic Resistance
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