Role of Vitamin D in overall Health
Vitamin D is also called as Calciferol and was discovered in 1920 for the way to cure Rickets in children. Vitamins play a crucial role in body’s metabolism. Vitamin D is included in a fat soluble vitamin but interestingly it is not a vitamin!! All you need to know about Vitamin D and its deficiency is read the article furthermore. Role of Vitamin D in overall Health
Why Vitamin D is not a Vitamin?
Like other vitamins, Vitamin D is not found in foods except fish and egg yolks. Even when it’s taken through food, it is transformed in to body before it can do any good. The main source of Vitamin D is sunlight. It is produced endogenously in the skin when the {UV} rays from sunlight strikes the skin which means we synthesis Vitamin D when we get exposed to sunlight.
What is Vitamin D2 & D3?
Animals can produce Vitamin D3 which is Calciferol and plants produce Vitamin D2. So the main source of Vitamin D3 is sunlight. It is documented as about 10% of your Vitamin D comes from the food in the form of Vitamin D2, majority 90% is produced within your body as Vitamin D3.
Sources of Vitamin D:
This Prohormone is produced through sunlight as we had mentioned already. The other sources are
- Fatty fish – Tuna, salmon
- Oysters
- Eggs
- Fortified milk
- Fortified Orange juice
- Fortified Cereals
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms:
- Weight gain
- Low bone density
- Joint pain
- Fatigue
- Generalized weakness
- Depression
Read also : What is Depression?
Vitamin D deficiency prone to get or aggravate other major health problems like Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, weakened immune system results in cough & flu, Asthma, Diabetes, Multiple sclerosis, SAD {Seasonal affective disorder}, MDD {Major Depressive Disorder}, Cardio vascular disease.
Why Vitamin D has wide range of action all over body?
That’s why it is called “Prohormone”
- Vitamin D is important micronutrients to make your body healthy. It helps to absorb calcium and phosphorous which is critical for bone health. Any deficiency results in bone and teeth problems.
- Vitamin D is essential for regulation of your immune system, deficiency results in derangement of immune system and you are susceptible for any kind of infection.
- Studies showed that there are an effect of Vitamin D on weight loss by suppressing the storage of fat cells and effectively reduce the fat accumulation in the body.
- Vitamin D receptor proteins present in the brain plays a major role in memory, learning, motor control and moods. So deficiency in Vitamin D has a huge impact over this function.
- Vitamin D deficiency has adverse effect on the insulin secretion and glucose , Therefore , evidence of Diabetes are more in people having Vitamin D deficiency.
What to do?
Just expose yourself in Early morning sunlight or before 9 AM {remember your region and time of sunrise}. It increases Dopamine & Serotonin in your body which is nothing but your Happy Hormones. 30 minutes exposure is good.
Find Pleasure in Sunlight
What are Happy Hormones? Tips to stay Happy.
Some studies advocated that between 10 Am to 3 PM is the right time to expose you in sun as it contains strong UV rays. So 5 to 10 minutes is enough when you get exposed during this time.
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