Welcome Ladies & Gentleman!!
I Know,Women also here.Curious?!
The secret is
Karyotype is a individual’s collection of chromosomes.It is used to look for an abnormal number or structure of chromosomes.
During early development,the Gonads of Foetus remain Undifferentiated.
Don’t get?!!
Simply saying,
You developed as FEMALE{XX},Later with expression of “Y” chromosomes at the 6th to 7th week of Gestation{Pregnancy period of your Mother},you develop as MALE{XY} babies.
You developed from Female,Karyotypically too!!
You are FEmale before MALE!!
Ok ok..No tension please…
Female completes with you-feMALE /woMEN.
Sounds good?!
They are mixed MALE & FEMALE.
{XX and XY chromosome pairs-46XX/46XY,46XX/47XXY or 45X/XY Mosaic}
Medicine currently describes Intersex people as Disorders of Sex development{DSDs}/Differences in sex development/Diverse sex development/ Variations in sex characteristics{VSC}
-The above terms refers to congenital condition in which development of Chromosomal,Gonadal or Anatomical sex is atypical.
This term has been Controversial……Read more
Above all,
They are taking both of us!!
They are doubled!!
They are more Powerful!!
They are the most Intellectuals!!
Do you know,
Transgender pride flag??
Yes! They have separate flag!!
It is designed by the American transgender women Monica Helms in 1999.

Flag has 3 colours
Blue– Traditional color for baby boys
Pink– Traditional color for baby girls
White{in the middle}- Those who are transitioning,those who feel they have a neutral gender or no gender & those who are Intersex.
Intersex people face Stigmatisation and Discrimination since birth.
Even with these obstacles,they are shining!!
To know about famous Transgender celebrities shining in every field all over the world
Is this their culpability??!!
Remember!!! It’s not their fault.
Love them!
Embrace them!!
Strenghthen them!!!
Lift them!!!!
Respect them!!!!!
Protect them!!!!!!
Science always surprise us!! Isn’t it?
Note: In 2014,Supreme court recognised Transgender community as “THIRD GENDER” & giving them their due rights!!
Indian Transgenders who are first in their fields!