Emotional Intelligence- An Overview
EI{Emotional Intelligence} or EQ {Emotional Quotient} is well established set of Competencies and skills that helps an individual to perform, engage and taste success in a smoother way.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
EI is ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions in a positive constructive ways to communicate and engage effectively, understands other’s emotions and empathize with others, to face and overcome challenges, to allay conflicts ,importantly doing everything without any stress.
“Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of Human energy,information,connection and influence”-Robert K.Cooper Ph.D
Basically it constitutes five core components.
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Regulation
- Energizers
- Social Awareness
- Social Skills
This article we will see about the basic idea about each components.
Honest look of your life.
Read here: What is Self-Awareness and its types?
It includes Emotional Connection and awareness, self-acceptance, Self-esteem, Accurate Self-assesment.
It is your ability to manage, control or redirect your disruptive impulses and moods.
“Think before Act”- The exact meaning of this Quote is Self-regulation.
Competencies includes Assertiveness, Adaptability, Trustworthiness, Self-control, Conscientiousness, Innovation. This mainly covers one’s flexibility and commitment to one’s own accountability.
Someone who imparts energy, vitality and spirit to other people.
Competencies include Motivation, Initiative, Resilience, Attitude, Engagement, Achievement desire, Optimism.
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4.Social Awareness:
Ability to take the perspective of and Empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Competencies include Empathy, social responsibility, communication, Rapport and tolerance.
5.Social Skills:
Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks.
Competencies include Team work, Collaboration, Conflict Management and Leading.
Importance of Emotional Intelligence:
- Emotional Intelligence improves our Quality of life, our relationships, our Self-perception and our performance in every aspects of life.
“Children who make emotions their first language will make it the way they understand the world, communicate, ask for things, express themselves, interact and explore. It’s how they will begin to develop their conscience”-William osler.
- Developing Emotional intelligence encourages many positive personality traits like Resilience, Motivation, Thoughtfulness.
- EI makes you Healthy by handling stress & Manging Emotions which has a direct impact on your Physical Body.
- EI builds both Personal & Professional relationships and sustain it Healthier.
“I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”- Maya Angelou
- EI makes you a powerful leader in your Organization.
Daniel Goleman quoted that “CEOs are hired for their intellect and business expertise and fired for a lack of Emotional Intelligence”.
Tips to improve Emotional Intelligence:
Few tips are sharing here. It is not limited, explore more, learn more both inside and outside.
- Aware of Emotions
- Assertiveness is the best choice
- Listen without Judgements
- Focus your Attitude
- Take Critique well
- Practice Embodied Self-awareness
- Respond Conflicts instead of reactions
- Take Responsibility for your actions
- Apologize for your mistakes
- Set Healthy Boundaries
- Motivate yourself & Others
- Empathize with others
- Be approachable & Sociable
- Improve Interpersonal & Social skills
- Lifelong Learning
Emotional Intelligence is a key to relating well with others and achieving your goals. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate the positive emotions & positive moments in life. At the same time, Don’t ignore the negative feelings and negative moments. Explore the same, everything teaches you something.
“What really matters for success, character, happiness and life long achievements is a definite set of emotional skills- your EQ- not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests”- Daniel Goleman
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