Hahnemann – The Brainy man Beyond Times
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann is popularly known as the “Father of Homoeopathy Medicine”. Many know that Hahnemann has mastered 8 languages, is a great translator, and is an outstanding Chemist.
From the inspiration of Hahnemann’s writings & teachings, I discuss and explore
First, certain concepts of today’s science in accordance with Hahnemannian’s concept include infection theory, Allergic reaction of the immune system, Electroconvulsive therapy for Mental illness, and Spiritual Science.
Secondly, about Hahnemann’s perception of the Medical world
Thirdly about Hahnemann’s revolution apart from the Medical World
1.Hahnemann’s Concept
Infection & Immune System:
We know that The Germ theory & Immune System theory has great advancement in the 19th century. But our Master mentioned many reliable contents and asked valuable questions prior to that in his “Theory of Chronic Disease – 1828 & Organon of Medicine ”. Here are few
- Incubation Period of the diseases:
When he was talking about the origin of the diseases in the Theory of Chronic diseases, he quoted,
“Three different important moments are to be more attentively considered,
First, the time of infection
Secondly, the period of time during which the whole organism is being penetrated by the disease infused, until it has developed within
Thirdly, the breaking out of the external ailment,
Whereby nature externally demonstrates the completion of the internal, development of the miasmatic malady throughout the whole organism.”
It is nothing but today’s Incubation period of the disease!! i.e the time it takes for an infection to develop after a person has been exposed to disease-causing organisms like bacteria or viruses or fungi. The incubation period ends when the first signs or symptoms of the disease appear.
More specifically, Hahnemann asked a valuable question about Measles,
“Measles also require 10 to 12 days after infection or inoculation before this eruption with its fever appears. What has nature been doing with the infection received in these 10 to 12 days? Was it not necessary to first embody the disease in the whole organism before nature was enabled to kindle the fever, and to bring out the eruption on the skin?
The important thing that we must know is that only in 1846, that is more than 15 years of Hahnemann’s thoughts, Peter Panum, a Danish Physician described the incubation period of Measles and lifelong immunity after recovery from the disease.
Why do people who are having Allergy diseases not get frequent infections?
In Aphorism 36, Organon of Medicine,
“If two dissimilar diseases meet together in the human being and they are either of equal strength or the older one happens to be stronger, then the older disease will keep the new one away from the body”
He had given many examples, one of them being, someone who is already suffering from a serious chronic disease will not be infected by autumnal dysentery or other moderate epidemic diseases.
Now, many recent theories and epidemiological research studies postulated that people who are having Allergies usually do not get infected by microorganisms frequently. Even in Covid time, many studies suggested that people who are having allergies are at lower risk to catch Covid 19, it is because of overactivity of the immune system at molecular levels in allergic patients that prevent infection.
When Hahnemann’s contemporary Physicians were focusing on bloodletting and other superstitious medical practices, Hahnemann was the one who was analyzing the causative factors of diseases, understanding the disease’s original nature, and exploring the reasons for the development of chronic diseases in human beings.
Electroconvulsive therapy for Mental illness:
Modern science advocates that ECT can provide rapid, significant improvements in some mental illnesses like Severe Depression, Severe mania, Agitation, and aggressive pattern of Dementia. How?
In Aphorism 38, Organon of Medicine,
When two dissimilar diseases meet, “If the new dissimilar disease is stronger, it will suspend the older disease, but never cure it.”
Hahnemann quoted some examples like Ringworm suspended epilepsy, scurvey suspended itch diathesis, Mania suspended Pulmonary tuberculosis, etc. Even in the introduction part of Organon of Medicine, he brought up one example, The hard of hearing improved for a few hours with moderate shocks from the voltaic pile of the apothecary of Jever, but soon these did nothing more. {Foot note 28, Electric Shock for harness of hearing}
Likewise, In electroconvulsive therapy {ECT}, that is small electric currents are passed through the brain to intentionally trigger a brief “seizure”{another disease}. This ECT gives some relief to the patient who is suffering from mental illness for a shorter period of time which is nothing but the concept of two dissimilar diseases meeting and its consequences.
The concept of disease according to Spiritual science:
The development of spiritual science paves the way for a Holistic approach to treating the disease even in some allopathic hospitals by adding meditation and yoga as supportive management. This is quite a treatment approach. But what spirituality talks about the concept of disease matters to us,
“When you disconnect from your soul or have a disharmony in your soul, either your mental health, physical health, or your entire health is affected.”
What our Legend says in Aphorism 11, the vital force is first dynamically mistuned and then manifests its mistunement through symptoms.
So Vital force is a spirit or soul in human beings which first disturbed for the development of diseases.
Hahnemann’s Perception of the Medical World:
When we admire his intelligence, we should not forget his perception of the medical world. Like,
- Where his contemporary physicians were focusing on eliminating the discharges and evacuations of the diseases, our superstar was exploring the internal causes of diseases.
- When his peers were creating asylum for people who were suffering from Mental illness, our phenomenal master was advocating the need for treatment and the possibility of a cure for the sufferers.
- When his compeers didn’t consider the necessity of bed rest, diet, etc., our Saga was recommending bed rest, diet, sunshine, public hygiene, and other supportive beneficial measures to achieve Health.
- 3. Hahnemann’s Revolution Apart from Medical World
There are many things we can admire and get inspired by Hahnemann. He is Phenomenal!! Few of them are,
As a Chemist,
His “Potent Marsh test” is a highly sensitive method in the detection of Arsenic, especially useful in the field of forensic toxicology where arsenic was used as a poison. Even now, his discovery is used.
As a Linguist,
Though I read the English translation version of “Theory of Chronic Disease”, I admire the usage of words in his language. Nowadays, we talk more about communication, unfortunately, people are not using the vocabulary even in their own language. But our epic star used vocabulary to a great extent, eg in “Theory of Chronic Disease” he wrote
“Homoeopathic law of cure, this very serious task has occupied me since the years 1816 & 1817, night and day; and behold! The giver of all good things permitted me within this space of time to gradually solve this sublime problem through unremitting thought, indefatigable inquiry, faithful observation, and the most accurate experiments made for the welfare of Humanity”
What a beautiful vocabulary!! Isn’t it?
“A person’s vocabulary level is the best single predictor of occupational success”- Connor. The above is a precise example of this saying.
As a Magnanimous personality,
When he was dissatisfied with the way of treating diseases in people, he quit his medical profession which he loved the most
“My sense of duty would not easily allow me to treat the unknown pathological state of my suffering brethren with these unknown medicines. The thought of becoming in this way a murderer or malefactor towards the life of my fellow human beings was most terrible to me, so terrible and disturbing that I wholly gave up my practice in the first years of my married life and occupied myself solely with Chemistry and writing”
It needs lots of courage and strength to write and follow the same. Strength comes through his exposure, intellect, skills, experience, resilience, and above all from his kind heart.
The admiration for our Dr. Hahnemann never ends. Feel grateful to study Homoeopathy, and to practice Homoeopathy.
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