Powerful healthy habits that change your life

6 Powerful Habits that will change your life- Healthy habits

6 Powerful Habits that will change your life

If you want to improve yourself, if you want to live healthier and happier, then you should focus on your Habits. Habits play a vital role in every aspect of your life. When you are seriously in the Self-improvement process, focusing on healthy habits is the wisest choice. This article, I have mentioned the six important habits and how to create the healthy habits that will change your life in a better way.

What are Habits:

A Habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. It is more or less fixed way of thinking, willing or feeling acquired through previous repetition of mental experience.

E.g.  If you go to your new office, on first day after starting from your home through your bike or car, you consciously put efforts for the route to your office, consciously focusing on speed breaker, right or left etc.… But after a month, you won’t give conscious effort or focus for the route to your office. Once you start your vehicle, you automatically reach your destination.

This is purely because, your subconscious mind got programmed through your routine and your habits are formed like this.

Read also: Brain Connection and Habits – Neuroplasticity.

What are the 6 powerful habits that will change your life:


Regular walking not only has physical health benefits but also has Emotional & intellectual health benefits. Walking means you don’t need to go for 5 miles a day. You just focus at least half hour per day.

Walking benefits:
  • It boosts your memory power
  • It improves your cognitive function
  • It increases your creative thinking
  • It relieves you from Anxiety & Depression
  • It aids weight loss.
How to adopt Walking as a Habit:

Set a moment for walking like immediately after waking up or after returning home from office likewise. Start with 15 mins per day then gradually increase your time up to 1 hour. Maximum 1 hour walking is enough to you.

Note: It is better to avoid cell phones while walking. Walk alone, walk without headphones, walk without chatting with others to get the above benefits.

Read also: Cell phone addictions, warning signs and tips to overcome


Everyone knows that doing exercise has huge benefits for our body. Many has wrong assumption that exercise is for only people who are obese or those who want to lose weight. Not at all, exercise is for everyone. Of course, it reduces weight but at the same time it makes your fit both mentally and physically.

While doing exercise, your hormones get balanced which helps you to regulate your mood and emotions. You know that your moods and your emotions play a crucial role in your everyday life.

How to adopt Exercise as a Habit:

You don’t need a gym to do exercise, right mindset is enough. Set a moment for doing exercise, it is always to do exercise at early morning.

If you are new one to start exercise, start with “Thoppukaranam {In Tamil} -10 times” which is nothing but repetitive yogic squats with specific hand position {hold earlobes between thumb and forefinger with hands crossed in front of chest} and gradually increase it in to 25 times.

Check youtube to do some basic exercise at home.

3.Choose Gratitude:

In this busy world, saying thanks is common but choosing and practicing gratitude is rare. People totally forget about the things what they are grateful for instead they just focus and complaints about the things that they are not having.

How to adopt Gratitude practice:

Instead of focusing on the deficit things, start focusing on what are all you are having and appreciate it. Write a gratitude journal, 3 times per week and gradually increase it in to daily. Write down the things you are grateful for. E.g. Now you are reading this article through your phone or laptop with internet access. Instead of complaining about not having the Apple phone, just be grateful for the Android phone and internet access.

Showing gratitude improves your mind instantly. So, start count your blessings!!

4.Book Reading:

Reading books has a positive impact on your physical & Mental health and those benefits can last for lifetime.

Reading Benefits:
  • It improves your vocabulary and comprehension
  • It prevents cognitive decline
  • It aids sleep
  • It reduces stress and fights depressive symptoms
  • It lowers blood pressure and Heart rate.

How to adopt reading as Habit:

Establish a daily minimum time to read a book, start with 10 mins a day and set a moment like immediately after waking up or before going to bed. Pick an inspiring, interesting book of your choice because it holds you for the consistency.

Powerful habits that will change your life
Powerful habits that will change your life

5.Practicing Mindfulness:

In this distracted era, practicing mindfulness is the only solution to prevent all kind of illness. If you start practicing mindfulness, you can easily adopt other powerful habits. Practicing Mindfulness is so powerful.

What is Mindfulness? How to adopt Mindfulness as a Habit:

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment through a gentle, nurturing lens. In simple terms, consciously aware of what are doing in the moment

Avoid doing multiple things at one time. Don’t watch your mobile while watching TV. Don’t eat while studying or don’t study while eating. Start with simple things, while brushing, focus your brush and teeth, while bathing, focus your body alone.

Read also :How to quit bad habits & Addiction

The main goal of mindfulness is to achieve a state of alert at the same time being relax, paying attention to thoughts, feelings and behavior without any judgment.


Practicing meditation has huge benefits on our overall health, everyone knows about it.

How to adopt Meditation as a Habit:

Set a moment to practice Meditation. I personally meditate after my bath whatever may be the time in a day, I will do immediately after bathing.

  • Create a place to meditate, when you do it regularly on that place, it creates an energy, and it helps you to be consistent.
  • Take a seat, set a time limit, notice your body, focus and feel your breath.
  • Its ok that if your mind wandering somewhere, just address it kindly and again shift your focus towards your body and breath.

If you feel difficulty, use guided meditation music available in internet.

Take away:

Pick one habit first, initiate it regularly and adopt the same followed by picking another one habit. Start small. Don’t urge. Don’t force. Just go with the flow.

Setting a moment gives cue to your brain and creating a particular place for a particular habit builds energies which helps you to be consistent and makes you to develop healthy lifestyle