Work-life balance – 7 ways to improve your work-life balance
Work-life balance connects the majority of the area of our life which includes Health, Stress, Relationships, and overall wellbeing. A good work-life balance brings harmonious integration between personal and professional life which fosters an individual to breed Happiness and success in every aspect of life. Though many folks are aware of the importance of Work-life balance, still poor work-life balance is the major important causation of illness in human beings.
What is Work-life Balance?
Work-life balance means the minimization of work-related stress and establishing a stable and sustainable way to work and maintaining general health and well-being.
How to improve your Work-life Balance?
Many of my patients starting from white collar to blue collar, narrate the same picture when I asked them to take a rest for their illness or talked about the importance of Work-life balance.
“I know Dr, Health is important but I can’t avoid that particular work. People won’t understand. I am the only one who is responsible for this work, I have to complete this at the stipulated time. So, for this reason, I can’t able to take a rest.”
Everyone is sharing the same dialogue. Why?!! Whether we lost out Humanness!! Why there is no understanding?!! Why there is no integration?!! Why there is only one person in every office who has huge responsibility?!!
It’s not only about the organization alone but also the individual person.
The root cause is a Lack of Self-awareness & poor communication skills
Tips to improve your Work-life Balance:
1. Pause and question yourself:
Do one pause, mental pause on & off. Ask yourself,
- Am I satisfied with what I am doing?
- Am I stressed?
- Anything disturbs my Emotions, and if so What & Why?
- Am I Happy? Am I Fulfilled?
- Am I spending time exclusively with my family members? Whether they are happy with my presence?
- How people are managing my work in my absence?
These types of questions help you to bring clarity to what you are doing and what you are about to do which fosters your work-life balance.
2. Pay attention to your Emotions:
Threats are quite common in every aspect of your life, importantly all your threats are psychological. Stress is the response to a threat in a situation. Your emotions are reactions to Stress. So pay attention to your emotions.
- How do you feel when get stressed?
- Why do you feel like this?
- Are you regulating your emotions properly?
Check your stress status on & off. Because your emotions are always elicited in your behaviors which disturbs you as a whole and ruins your personal and professional relationships.
3 . Identify your micro-time wasters & repel them:
There are some habits and some behaviors suck your time unknowingly. Eg. You may open up your social media every time the notifications sound hits. You don’t feel any pleasure, You don’t get anything useful but involuntarily you pick up your phone and check it. This unproductive behavior or habit is totally depleting your time unknowingly and ends up in stress. That’s why time Management is crucial.
Besides, every time you move from your working place or from your home, you meet someone and end up chatting. Check out these types of chattered corners you have encountered because these are absolutely your time wasters. Remember, your social Health & wellness is something different.
4. Set Boundaries:
Setting boundaries is critical for both personal and professional relationships. Furthermore, it improves your work-life balance. You should practice how to say “No” to the things which deplete your tranquility.
In personal relationships, explain to your partner about your professional responsibility and inform them not to disturb you during your working time until unless an emergency.
Similarly, practice assertive communication while saying “No” to your colleagues or to your managers.
5. Practice self-compassion when things not satisfied you:
Many times, stress happens as a result of Perfectionism, you keep on going to being perfect which makes you unsatisfied and you become irritable with low tolerance. This attitude affects your inner self which is elicited in your behaviors and it muddles everything.
If something not happening as per your wish, accept it and work for it. Just be kind to yourself.
6. Invest time in building yourself:
Discipline is an underrated self-care that breeds your Health and success. Focus on building healthy habits which help you to regulate your emotions, improves your creativity, and curiosity, and boost overall well-being. An effectual tool to balance your work life and personal life.
7.Build Relationships:
Invest your time in building relationships. Utilize your lunchtime and invite your colleagues to have lunch with you. Instead of gossiping about the organization or people, talk about personal values and mutual interests. Practice active listening during conversations.
Building healthy relationships in your organization helps you to share your difficulties and challenges in the organization and motivates you to work for a win-win situation.
A Good work-life balance brings good health and well-being and makes you more productive with increased concentration and less stress. Focus and work for your work-life balance.
Photo credit: Unsplash
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