Computer Related illness & its Precautions and Prevention
Computer related illness {CRI} are common nowadays especially after pandemic, people who are non-computerized professional also using Computer in the form of Laptop or other Gadgets. Additionally, People using computer as a playground, playing numerous number of games sitting and playing for many hours. Even though, everyone aware about these health issues, but no one is willing to take steps to correct it.
This article is to create awareness about basic computer related illness. Checklist is there at the end of this article.
Human eyes structurally prefer to look at object more than 6 meters away. So any work performed close to your eye put extra demand on your eye muscle which results in eye strain followed by dryness of eyes which may end up in Computer Vision syndrome.
Computer Vision syndrome means degenerative eye problem which can result in severely reduced eyesight, blurred vision and Glaucoma.
- Frequent Blinking
- Look away from the computer screen
- Walking on the bare foot on the grass helps to relieve eyestrain because it gives pressure on the toes which are the main reflexology pressure for the eyes.
Back pain or Coccydynia?
Ensure that you are not sitting on hard surface.
For Back pain, Do plank. By strengthening core muscles, it gives you relief from Pain.
Plank improves your balance and thus by it improves your focus and concentration. Because of stretching of core muscles, it relaxes all tense muscles due to stress and Anxiety and thus by it improves your mood and calm your mind.
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For Coccydynia: When it comes to back pain, you have to aware about Coccydynia{Tailbone pain}. It is always interchanged with back pain. Here plank won’t help. Some tips are
- Walking
- Sit on wedge-shaped cushion
- Avoid cycling
- Ice fomentation
- Weight reduction
Neck Pain-“Tech Neck”:
Quite common sufferings for all computer users. Sitting straight for long hours won’t help you because muscles in the neck get contracted to hold the head up and give extra pressure to the disc {Spine}also.
So your chair should recline to 25 or 30 degrees with good lumbar support. When you lean back, your body weight goes to chair and thus by it prevents from pressure on the discs.
Other preventive measures are
- Aerobic exercise
- Swimming
- Walking

Wrist Pain:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are other commonest suffering and there will be a severe pain in the wrist and fingers.
- Don’t rest your arm on the chair while typing
- Adjust your chair height in the way your shoulder should be relaxed and elbows loosely at the sides.
Move your body every 1/2 an hour once for 1 min..Either stand up and work or do walking for a minute. {Don’t chat during this period}
Radiation effects:
Laptop which is used by keeping it on the lap increases temperature in the reproductive area. So, there is a possibility of reduction in sperm count in males and hampers ovum production in females.
Due to lack of physical activity and prolonged sitting, Obesity is common nowadays.
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Sleep Disorders:
When you work at computer before sleep, it disturbs your sleep due to artificial lighting from computer screen disturbs or suppress the release of Melatonin{Responsible for your sleep patterns}
This suits to Mobile usage also
Refrain from Computer or any other gadgets one hour before sleep.
Mental & Emotional Health:
Mental & Emotional health is as equal as your Physical health. When there is disturbance in your Physical Health, it affects your Mental & Emotional Health, similarly When there are disturbances in your Mental & Emotional Health, it affects your Physical Health. Some basic tips are Mental & Emotional Health- Need of the Hour, free E-book ,Download Here
- Sound Sleep
- Healthy Diet
- Exercises
- Mindfulness
The above Symptoms, signs and diseases are the basic sufferings, when you left ignored or untreated, it may end in life threatening diseases.
Here is the check list to ensure the preventive measures.{Click the image to download the check list
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