Fastidious Rubric in Homoeopathy
In Homoeopathy, we believe in individualization. Likewise, each rubric in the repertory has many drugs but each one is different from one another. In this article, we will see about the Fastidious rubric in Homoeopathy. Each repertory shows some medicines with 3 marks, some with 2 marks and 1 mark. I just compiled some common personalities in Homoeopathy and differentiated their unique nature of fastidiousness.
Fastidious definition:
Every time, I hear about a fastidious personality, I think it is neat, clean, perfection and reminds me of the Arsenicum Album. But when we explore deeply the meaning, we have so many personalities in our Homoeopathy that I personally confuse them with the “Industrious” rubric. So, let’s start with the definition,
Want everything neat, clean, and in order
Hard to please, not easy to please
Oversensitive, as does he easily disgusted
Some Fastidious Personalities in Homoeopathy:
Carcinosin personalities always desire to be perfect, because he wants to please their parents or partner. Because of this, strong self-control emerges, which leads to the obsession with tidiness, healthy eating, body image, exercise, order, work even helping others.
The very differentiating point from other remedies is their love for art and beauty. They love to draw and love to dance. They are poetic, loving, caring, and dutiful towards their family. Of course, carcinosin is known as an “Animal lover” in materia medica.
They do have Anxiety symptoms which are anticipatory, like whether they can able to complete their target or complete their work in the stipulated time.
Arsenicum Album:
A well-known remedy for every homoeopath, even for the public after the Covid pandemic. The differentiating point for fastidious is “Insecurity”. His want of security makes him fastidious. Additionally, he tends to feel resentful when his own standards {material sense} are not adhered to by others.
Another point about Arsenicum is their “Anxiety”, Fear of chaos, Fear about the future, Anxiety about disease etc..etc. This makes him to be fastidious. Like, when everything is in order, he knows in advance what is going to happen. That’s why, they are very orderly, tidy, neat, and clean.
Nuxvomica’s fastidiousness is more concerned with efficiency than orderliness. He/She is very hard to please, no feelings involved!!
His love of power and his ability to acquire power is the core here. Success is not enough for Nux, it is winning that gives meaning to his life. He wants to be perfect because of his Ambition, and that’s why he is tidy at work.
They never focus on time, their only focus is their target, and they can work late to complete the project. Very hard on other, easily humiliate others, and puts everyone under him.
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Kali carbonicum:
The core is “Rigidity”, no emotional attachment. They are responsible, serious, and conventional. Kali sticks to the rules book and never bends the rules, that is why they are hard to please. Kali tries to avoid trouble so that they are sticking to the rules book, written laws, tested formulae, professional protocols, and even religious codes. They focus only on the logical side of the context, by leaving an emotional perspective.
I never considered pulsatilla into the fastidious category in my initial days of practice. After reading various pioneer’s writings, I can understand the essence. They are adorable and lovable but their forsaken feeling makes them expect more from their partners. They are very hard to please in terms of love and care feelings from their partners.
Read also: How to overcome insecurities in relationships
Though Silicea’s personality is timid, they are very stubborn, determined, and obstinate which makes them very hard to please. The differentiating point is “yielding disposition”.
Like, if they have strong opinions about certain things, they never change their mind, and it’s hard for you to convince them. They are more assertive and inform you that your opinions are heard but I believe mine. This soft stubbornness and obstinacy make them fastidious.
Read also: How to practice Assertiveness
Some other fastidious remedies are,
because of their haughtiness and highly demanding nature, they are hard to please.
Natrum muriaticum,
In natrum mur, we find fastidiousness through orderliness towards work and relationships. In relationships, their focus is more on their words and actions, how to talk, and how to present since they are emotionally attached.
In work, they are precise in planning and implementation. They are self-critical and feel guilty if they face failures or their work is not perfect. In order to avoid that, they become fastidious at work.
because of their fixed ideas and obsessive thoughts, want everything in a particular order. They are very hard to please and become fastidious.
Homoeopathic Psychology by Dr.Philip M. Bailey
Kent’s Materia Medica
Clarke’s Materia Medica
Image: Unsplash
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