Homoeopathy for Pica and Dental Caries
Case discussion:
A 9-year-old girl came to me for Pica, who has been eating raw rice for 4 years. Pica is an eating disorder in which a person eats things not usually considered food or could say, an appetite for non-nutritive foods or substances. It is common in children and certain health conditions.
Eating things may be ash, chalk, charcoal, paper, hair, ice, eggshell, raw rice, paint, and many more.
Consuming raw rice may cause negative health effects, including gastrointestinal and tooth damage.
Her mother brought to me that she has been eating uncooked rice for the past 4 years. Day by day, it is worsening.
On examination, she has dental caries at the left premolar and right premolar, and the Lateral incisor is not erupting after shedding more than 6 months. The dentist advised surgery for her but parents are postponing for some personal reasons.
FTND child
Done routine vaccinations until her 3 yrs
Physical generals:
Appetite: Nothing specific to tell.
Thirst: Good
Sweat: Only on physical exertion, usually at head and foot
Urine: Normal 4 to 5 times/day
Stools: Regular, 1 or 2 times/ day
Desires: Noodles, snacks, Prawn Biriyani, Panneer items, Sweets
Aversion: Spicy food
Thermal status: Always feels better in the chill climate, she even loves that. Wants to be fanned. She doesn’t like summer because of heat and sweating.
Read also : How to stop craving for unhealthy foods
Mental generals: Through her and her mom’s answers and observation
She likes painting and doing crafts. She has a fear of darkness, fear of ghosts, and fear of being alone. Always wants to stay with her parents.
She said that whenever she is alone, she gets afraid of something creeping in the corner. Later she finds out that it was a screen shadow but still gets afraid in the dark and alone.
She loves her mother more and if someone forces her to do something at that moment only she gets irritated.
Her mother informed me that she is specific in grooming herself and likes to be stylish. She is more talkative.
While observing, she is charming, jovial, and courageous, and brings everyone’s attention to her. Whenever a question is asked, she describes everything in detail.
Diagnosed as Pica {Uncooked rice} / Dental caries and non-eruption of teeth due to defective assimilation
Based on Mental Generals like
Jovial, charming, Talkativeness, Wants to be with people, affectionate
Stylish and Artistic
Needs a lot of love and attention
Fear of Dark, fear of being alone
Phosphorous 1M – single dose given at empty stomach
Calcarea Phosphoricum 6x – 2 TDS for a month
Calc phos is the bone cell salt. Without this element, no bone can be formed. Additionally, it is found in gastric juice and plays an important role in the process of digestion and assimilation.
Ask them to Review after 1 month. But they came after 2 months, with improvement in her generals, that she eats food and reduced her uncooked rice intake. She was not taking cal phos as per the suggestion. Even after 2 months, there were more tablets with her.
Phos 1 M one dose given followed by calc phos 6x BID.
2 months later she messaged me that her some parts of the decayed tooth were falling and there was an eruption in her lateral incisors {Photo attached}. Calc phos 6x only followed.
After 2 months, she came to me for her acute ailments, with total clearance of dental caries and eruption of her permanent teeth.
Homoeopathy Heals!!
Hail Hahnemann!!
PS: Consent was taken from the patient and her parents to post publicly
Blog image credit: Unsplash
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