How to achieve goals – Goal setting rules
Goal is a dream with deadline. Goal is not an objective, Goal is not a resolution, Goal is not an achievement, and Goal is not a success. But if you want success, setting goals and achieving the same is important. Without goals, there is no direction and motivation. This article, we are going to see about goal setting and achieving your goals faster.
Goal setting guidelines:
Goal setting is the process starts with what you want to achieve and ends with hard work of doing the things you want. Reaching your goals is like a journey, you will come across more ups and downs, more challenges and more obstacles. Remember, overcoming everything makes you taste the success. Here, 3 important things you need to consider in setting the goals.
What will you do when encountering problems?
During this goal attaining journey, you may encounter lots and lots of problem. Thing, is what you focus!! Are you focusing your problems or looking for solution?
“Where your focus goes, energy flows”- Tony Robbins
Some people always focusing on problem, ends up in dropping energy and withdraw the goals what they want to achieve.
What will you do when you fail?
While travelling towards your goals, you may fail in some steps. Many people quit when they face repeated failures. How persevere you are matters most!! You should be strong enough to face failures and persevere to reach the objective.
What you resist?
In achieving your goals, you may resist something which you think that it disturbs or stops you from achieving your goals.
“What you resist, it persists” – Carl Jung
When you resist something, suddenly it becomes more attractive to you.. You madly wants that..So instead of cutting anything completely, limit your temptation. While achieving your goals, it’s all about facing the reality.
E.g : In order to gain time, some people totally withdraw watching TV or Watching videos or cutting off social media. Just think people nearby you watching those but you cannot ask them to stop. At one point, you may end up in watching it the same for more hours. Instead of resisting it, just calculate your time consumption on those things and reduce it gradually.
“Face the reality”
How to achieve your goals?
After goal setting, you should have a healthy positive mindset to achieve your goals. Self-doubt is the worst enemy for you. When you are in doubt, identify the factors which made you to doubt on yourself. Segregate it and work on it. Start aware about your strengths, your weaknesses, your emotions and your threats and opportunities.
Self-awareness and SWOT analysis is crucial.
Document it and Visualize:
Write down your goals which makes you to confirm it to yourself and you will get committed to it because it programs your Subconscious mind. Now do Visualization. Visualization triggers motivation, increases concentration and aids relaxation.
Set timeline:
After writing your goals, set a timeline. Could say, set a deadline for your goals. It is better to create multiple milestones towards your goals. So that, you can make small steps and move forward.
Developing skills:
Since you have analyzed everything about yourself, now you came to know about your deficit areas. Start developing skills related to your deficit areas and your goals.
Take action:
Don’t avoid taking action towards your goals because you need to learn more. The best way to learn is by taking action on it.
Avoid Procrastination!! Procrastination is the bad inhibitor which stops you to attain your goals.
Focus on completion:
During this journey, you come cross so many problems, obstacles, ups and downs. Remember, when you start facing the problems, it becomes your challenges. Challenges build you to learn a lesson and taste the success.
Give rewards to yourself:
While attaining every milestone or while accomplishing every small commitment, appreciate yourself. This boosts you to do more.
Take away:
Your goal should be, what you want to become, not what you want to do.
You goals should be Fit and Healthy not to do exercise regularly.
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