Relationship breakup – Dealing with a breakup
Nothing causes severe pain and beat your self-esteem like a bad breakup. It drives you crazy, makes you cry, and confused, and resists you to go outside and lie on your couch with some junk food. A relationship breakup is something one should address immediately, otherwise, it may end up in the wrong relationship, building bad habits, Addictions, and destroying overall well-being. Dealing with a breakup is really a tough process but you should take healthy ways to overcome it. Here are a few suggestions…
How to get over a Relationship breakup:
Don’t fall into another relationship immediately & don’t take any decisions instantly. Heal yourself first.
Be willing to go into the pain:
You got this accident, so you have to face this incident at any cost. Allow yourself to be you, if you want to cry, cry!! You may be a Man or woman, crying is another emotion, so don’t feel hesitate to cry. Don’t take any decisions during this time, just let out everything. Release your hurts through crying and journaling. You can share your pain with a trusted person who has the power to listen.
Don’t suppress your emotion and don’t escape from your emotion. Allow your pain to be in its flow without any judgment.
Avoid Blame game:
While dealing with a breakup it’s quite common to blame yourself or your Ex. Since you had done journaling for letting out, write everything in your mind. Later, don’t blame anyone.
If you feel that you are the reason behind your breakup, don’t take the blame completely. Instead, practice Self-compassion by being kind to yourself, accepting yourself, and being aware of your painful experience in a balanced way that neither ignores, avoids nor amplifies your painful thoughts and emotions
If you feel that your Ex is the reason behind your breakup, don’t evaluate the situation too much and don’t blame them completely. Instead, accept the situation and have faith in happenings.
Relationship with self is the foundation of relationships with others.
Practice Forgiveness:
After acceptance of self and situation, practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is purely a self-care act that harnesses your personal power to move forward and take care of your Mental health & Well-being.
Read also: How to practice Forgiveness?
Write a letter to your Ex like forgiving them and keep it with you. Forgiving others is not the easiest thing to do, so practice it on regular basis. Allow your anger to let out through scribbling or exercising or swimming.
Your action should be something that nourishes your body.
Beware of Addictions:
“Functional brain scans have shown that love is a form of addiction” – Guy Winch
Love is like a drug when it is crazy. While dealing with a relationship breakup, you feel empty inside. In order to fill the emptiness, you will seek Happiness, joy, and peace outside. This is a place you will go into adapting bad habits which eventually lead to addictions.
Engage in building healthy habits.
Do Self-bolstering:
A relationship Breakup is a place where your Self-esteem is totally beaten. So, take a note, evaluate and write down your strengths, emotional strengths, character, skill sets, and abilities. Think about your past achievements, it helps you to improve your self-esteem.
Self-bolstering is reminding your positive qualities and strengths.
Check your mind:
After crossing these moments, at one point, your mind reinforces the positive things in that relationship and wishes to go back together. Dealing with a breakup is not a straight line, you may have so many ups and downs. Since you are coping well energetically, you keep on thinking about the best moments of your past relationship with your Ex which insists you rejoin them.
The mind is exactly like a monkey, it jumps from place to place. During that time, just write down the negative traits of your Ex and evaluate your best moments entirely.
Eg. You may remember your adventure trip and you felt good. Just think about the situation prior to the trip where you took boundless efforts to make it happen or how he or she behaved lately after the trip.
Remember, Breakup never happens on a single day. There are numerous hurts, pain, emotional distress, and problems resulting in a breakup. So be cautious when your mind reinforces all positive things and take conscious steps to keep the reality.
Distance yourself and create beautiful memories:
While dealing with a breakup, creating a distance plays a huge role. Create a distance not only at the physical level but also at the Emotional level. If you are having your couple photo as wallpaper, remove it. Remove things that make you remember them from your place. Don’t go to the place where you two had spent together.
Pick 3 places nearby you and go to that places, spend time there. Focus on creating beautiful memories. Spend time with your loved ones, go out with like-minded people, and learn something new, & do volunteerism.
Don’t hide and don’t explain:
It is quite challenging in dealing with a breakup in this world. People may enquire about your relationship, and you may feel upset, and irritated and feel about what people think about you. Facing these annoyances creates a huge turmoil in your emotions.
When someone asks about your relationships, don’t hide and at the same time, you don’t need to explain everything to anyone. Instead, you can tell, “Yes, we depart, things are not working well. Please don’t ask anything further, I want to overcome this phase, so kindly support me by not asking anything”
The right one will always be with you by understanding and through support.
Stop talking about them:
Even though you talk about your sufferings and hurts, don’t talk about them. Because this mind is tricky, you may talk about their negative traits but at some point, you will think that since you understand them as a whole, you can able to live with them. Additionally, you will get ready to face them and wish to speak about your future plans.
One best things you should do to yourself is to stop talking about them. Instead, affirm it
“I deserve someone who loves me as a whole
I deserve someone who appreciates me for who I am
I deserve someone who makes a commitment to my relationship
I deserve to be loved unconditionally
I deserved to be at peace in my relationship”
Eat right, do exercise, and Practice yoga, mindfulness, and Meditation.
6 powerful habits that change your life
Trust the process, and Have faith in the universe.
Image source : Unsplash
Image Editing : Canva
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