Schizophrenia – Symptoms, Types & Homoeopathy Management
Schizophrenia is considered to be a rare condition previously. But it is not; the lifetime risk of developing Schizophrenia is widely accepted to be around 1 in 100. And it was saying that people with Schizophrenia cannot be helped since the condition is dangerous. Absolutely not; When treated properly with Homoeopathy, people with schizophrenia can able to lead a healthy, productive, fulfilling life.
What is Schizophrenia and its etiology?
Schizophrenia is considered to be a Psychosis characterized by Delusions, Hallucinations and lack of insight. It is common in Men, particularly young adults.
It is said to be a functional disorder because of no apparent pathology. But after the advancement of investigative technologies, it shows minor structural abnormalities in brain like overall reduction in brain size, relatively greater reduction in temporal lobe volume and enlargement of lateral ventricles.
Cause may be Genetic predisposition which interacts with environmental influences like urban births, urban migration, low social economic status, obstetric complications, Asphyxia during birth.
Neuro-chemical changes in the brain along with impairment of neuro-transmitters like Dopamine & Serotonin may be the reason behind Schizophrenia. Sometimes, Schizophrenia triggered by Stress and drug abuse.
Schizophrenia is a Neuro-developmental disorder caused by abnormalities of brain development associated with genetic predisposition, early environmental influences and triggered by stress.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia:
According to Schneider, first rank symptoms are
A – Auditory Hallucination – Voices heard outside the head
B- Broadcasting – Voices repeat the person’s thoughts, “Passivity of thoughts”. They believe that their thoughts are being broadcast to others and thoughts that are not their own are being inserted in to their mind
C- Controlled Feelings – Delusion of Control, believing that their emotions, impulses and behaviors are controlled by others.
D- Delusional Perception – Delusional belief which arises suddenly in associated with perception. Eg. Cloud in the sky misinterprets as someone has sent the person a message to save the world.
Thoughts disorders are manifested as incomprehensible speech, abnormalities of movements either immobile or adopt awkward postures for prolonged period of time.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia in detail
Delusions of Persecution – Believe that someone stalks & haunts them
Delusion of Reference – They feel that they are special and everything is mean for them in a neutral environment. Eg. Song in the radio played for them.
Delusion of control – Believe that someone is controlling his life
Grandiose Delusions – They believe that they have special abilities, Possessions or powers. Eg. They believe that they are having secret connection with God
Religious Delusions- They believe that they are the only one whom sent by God to preach people
Erotomaniac Delusions – They convinced that celebrity is in love with him
It is mainly of Auditory or visual Hallucinations. Someone is calling and instructing them what to do.
Disorganized Speech:
Troubled concentration and illogical sayings are common.
Loosening of associations – rapidly shifts from one topic to other topic in conversations
Clang – use meaningless rhyming words to & fro
Perseveration – Repeat the same thing over and over
Neologisms– Build and use new words and phrases in conversations.
Disorganized behavior:
Behaviors includes Decline in overall functioning, giving unpredictable inappropriate emotional response.
Negative Symptoms:
Negative Symptoms with absence of Normal Behavior includes Flattened affect, lack of concentration, Apathy, loss of drive, social isolation, poverty of speech and poor self-care.
Types of Schizophrenia:
Paranoid Schizophrenia:
It develops later in life and exhibited by “Feeling of Persecution” and reflected outside as Anger, Hostility and Anxiety. Symptoms include Auditory hallucinations and delusions but speech and emotions may not be affected.
Disorganized or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia:
Symptoms include disorganized behavior and speech patterns with inappropriate emotions and facial reactions. Because of disorganized though patterns, they face trouble with daily activities and disruption in eating, normal walking and personal hygiene
Catatonic Schizophrenia:
Symptoms include contradictory behavior, immobility along with stupor-like condition, Mutism, mimicking behavior {Stay mum and repeat everything what others are saying}, poor personal hygiene.
Residual Schizophrenia:
Here there are no delusions & Hallucinations but negative symptoms with the past history of Schizophrenia.
Cenesthopathic Schizophrenia:
It is characterized by bizarre or bothersome bodily sensations, typically without real physical cause. Eg. “Moving” sensations like cold running through the body, feeling that the brain is either hardening or softening.
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia:
Displays 2 or more form of Schizophrenia.
Early warning signs of schizophrenia:
- Abandoning hobbies and activities
- Irrational statements
- Strange use of words
- Indifference to life being emotionless
- Insidious social withdrawal
- Extreme reaction
- Experience hostility and suspiciousness
- Deterioration of personal hygiene
- Oversleeping or Insomnia
Diet :
Food rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, Antioxidants, Niacin, Vitamin B can be taken in to consideration. Schizophrenic patients should avoid Gluten rich and processed foods.
Schizophrenia & Homoeopathy Management:
Homoeopathy is the best choice to treat Schizophrenia since it treats the patient who is having the disease not the disease itself. In organon of medicine, Dr.Hahnemann clearly describes the guidelines to treat Mental & Emotioanl diseases {Aphorisms 210 to 230}
Read also : Homoeopathy is a Science
Dr.Hahnemann in Aphorism 221 mentioned ,for Acute psychosis, Highly potentized, subtle homoeopathic doses {apsoric medicines} in order to dispatch the acute flare-up to such an extent that the psora returns for the present to its previous almost latent state followed by prolonged Antipsoric Management.
In Aphorism 228, he mentioned about how to behave towards patients who are having Mental illness
For raging Insanity – Physician must be quiet fearlessness and cold-blooded {unemotional} firm will
For patient with distressing, plaintive lamentation –Physician must oppose silent regret in their looks and gestures
Senseless chatter- Silent not wholly inattentive
Disgusting and atrocious behavior – Complete inattentiveness
You can find rubrics for the symptoms of schizophrenia in Repertory as
- Mind – Delusions
- Mind – suspicious
- Mind – Indifference
- Mind – Company
- Mind- Thoughts
- Mind – Speech
- Mind –answers
- Mind- Gestures
Some common remedies are Stramonium, Hyocyasmus, Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Lachesis, Anacardium, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Carcinocin, Nuxvomica, Kalibrom.
Treatment is based purely on Individualization and by Homoeopathic physician alone. Self-medication is not advised!!
Schizophrenic patients find difficult to distinguish between what is real and unreal. It affects the way a person behaves, thinks and sees the world. Early interpretation and continuous management through Homoeopathy makes their lives to live better in a healthy way.
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