How to train your Brain?
Brain is one of the important organs in our body that serves as the center of Nervous system. Mind is associated with Brain in which brain is the physical part and mind is related to mental state. So brain plays a major role in your health, your habits, Happiness and success. Like physical exercise, it is essential to train your brain for being a beneficiary of above. This article is all about how to train your brain consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously in a healthy way to focus, to stay positive, to success.
Brain centers and its functions: – Based on Paul Maclean –“Triune Brain”
Brain basically compromises of 3 important structures. When you want to train your brain, understanding this basic concept is crucial.
- Neocortex: Neocortex controls language, thoughts and reasoning in general. It consists mainly of Conscious information which includes sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thoughts and language.
Function – Thoughts
Center – Mind
- Limbic System: The main functions are processing and regulating emotions and Formation and storage of memories, sexual arousal and learning.
Function – Emotions
Center – Subconscious
- Basal Ganglia :It is at the root of the brain. It is otherwise called Instinctual center. Several studies and research are developed to understand this area. Here information travels from our gut to this primitive region without going through other parts of the brain.
Function – Instinct
Center – Unconscious
How to train your Mind:
In order to train your brain, the first part is training your mind. Here are the some tips to train your mind
No wonder, everyone knows meditation plays a huge role in Health and well-being. Meditation helps to engage new neural pathway in the brain. These pathways can improve Self-observation and Mental flexibility.
Do one task at a time:
Nowadays people are well versed in Multitasking. These multitasking disturb your body and mind alignment which then results in stress and Burnout. You know the consequences of stress and burnout. Single task is the healthy way for your time management, productivity and overall health. Additionally, it trains the brain to align to your body and makes you to do what you want.
Reading is the wonderful thing to develop your language skill, to increase your attention and enhances your cognitive function.
Learn something new:
Age is not a inhibiting factor for learning anything new. When you learn something new, it improves your Neuroplasticity.
Stimulate your memory area:
In this digital era, many of us does not have a time and wish to store anything in our memory. Even we fail to attempt to recall known things by searching immediately on a Google or make a list it in a notepad. Get in to the habit of committing things to memorize.
Do the things consciously. Don’t distract yourself even for minor things.
Developing good habits help which includes less social media and stop procrastinating.
How to train your Subconscious Mind:
When you want to train your brain, training Subconscious mind is also a part in it.
Accept your beliefs and allow yourself to be successful:
When you have a doubt in your beliefs, it is difficult to make. Explore yourself well, acknowledge and address what kind of emotions or doubts you are placed in that belief. Try to be a whole hearted believer.
Eg. You want to be a social media influencer but you are having the doubts in possibilities. What will happen? It drains your energy and focus on your inabilities to withdraw.
Create a vision board:
When you understand what you want in your life with clear image, it creates clear steps to pursue it. Goal setting and steps to achieve your goals play a vital role here.
Surround yourself with Positive Augmentation:
Keep inspirational quotes or post nearby your work place or on a wall where you frequently see.
Write Gratitude journal:
A wonderful habit makes you more positive in approaching things in life. Write gratitude journal at least 3 times per week.
Introspect & Retrospect:
Do introspection and retrospection frequently to identify your belief factors and emotions and regulate the same in effective way. Self-awareness & Self-acceptance is essential.

Positive affirmations and Visualizations:
Telling affirmations is a powerful way to change your deeply held unconscious beliefs. Doing this may feel uncomfortable at first, may feel false, even negative thoughts may surface. Don’t worry, these are the good signs and you are going outside your comfort zone where change begins.
Visualizations help you to foster your growth.
Focus on Habits:
Habits are having the main influence in programming your subconscious mind. Click here to read more
Seek Help:
Get a coach or mentor to take necessary steps to witness your goals.
How to train your Unconscious mind:
Your past experiences and your core values play a major role in Instinct factor.
So Programming your conscious mind, subconscious mind and self-awareness are the way to program your instinct system.
Take away:
In general, leading a healthy lifestyle and developing a better social life is crucial for training your brain.
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