How to stay calm in stressful work situations?
You may love your job, you may enjoy your working atmosphere. But whoever you are, what kind of lovable job you are doing, there are some places or some moments, where you are not able to meet your needs at work, where your strategies are not working, where you have some challenging clients or your work may exceed your limits, Stress is the only result. So how you handle these stressful situations determines your consecutive well-being. Here are a few guidelines which help you to stay calm in stressful situations.
Why staying calm is important in stressful work situations?
Staying calm never means staying silent.
Calm implies not showing or feeling your strong emotions. It is not only the absence of showing your strong emotions but also regulating your strong emotions wisely without disturbing yourself and others. The importance of staying calm is
- Improves your overall Health and well-being
- Increases your focus
- Boosts your productivity.
- How to stay calm in stressful work situations?
By understanding the meaning and importance of calmness, you wish to stay calm but the peculiar part is, that you can’t able to do it immediately. It needs “Practice”. How? Read the full article.
For every stressful situation, you have to focus on two scenarios:- On the scene and behind the scenes.
On the scene:
Focus Breathing:
When you feel stressed, focus on your breath first, it shows your stress level and deviates you from the stress for a moment. Now, take a deep breath. Whenever you feel anxious, nervous, or angry, remember this STOP formula,
S- Stop
T- Take a deep breath
O- Observe you and your situations
P – Proceed.
Read also: Emotional Regulation Strategies
Focus on the moment:
Whenever you feel stressed, it is quite common for everyone to think or panic about the future or worried or feel upset about past decisions. So, automatically, your stress level will be increased. Instead, focus on the things which are present in front of you. Whatever may be your past decisions or circumstances, just remember that the current moment and decisions can alter future results. Focus on the present moment and working on it helps to stay calm.
Have a quick break:
Sometimes, it is difficult for you to focus on the current moment, during that time, take a break. Inform your colleagues or your boss that you need a break and its importance. Have some water, go for a short walk without your phone, and wash your face. If needed, have some coffee or tea or fruits of your choice. Taking even a short break, de-stresses you and restores your energy.
Focus on your limits:
Many times, we forget to look over limits which eventually ends in stress. So once you feel stressed, explore your limits in your job or the situation, analyze it, and talk about it. Don’t dump yourself, understand your limits and speak about them to the right person, working for the solution helps you.
Organize your priorities:
Whenever you face stress, think about your priorities. Make a to-do list based on priorities like which is urgent, which is important but less urgent, and which is essential. Don’t over-commit, have a plan, create realistic deadlines, and give some space for uncertainties.
Behind the scene:
As I already said, staying calm needs practice. When you want to practice the above calmly in stressful situations, you have to focus on the other 2 important things. That is “Healthy Habits & Emotional Intelligence”
Read also : Habits & Neuroplasticity
Healthy Habits:
Habits and discipline are the underrated tools for Success, Health, and well-being. Living a healthy lifestyle lowers your stress level which gives you more energy by balancing your hormones in your workplace.
Check your Sleeping habit – Switch off your gadgets or stay away from your gadgets and TV, one hour before bed. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time.
Have a Balanced diet and healthy eating pattern – Avoid junk foods, take food rich in fruits and vegetables, don’t eat every 2 to 3 hours once, and have a minimum 5 to 6 hours gap between every meal.
Do regular exercise – Not only good for your physical health but also for your mental health.
Practice Mindfulness and Meditation – You know well about its benefits.
Emotional Intelligence:
Mastering your emotions is the best way to stay calm in stressful situations. Your EQ plays a major role in your Health, confidence, creativity, success, and healthy relationships.
EI is the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions in a positive constructive way to communicate and engage effectively, understands others’ emotions and empathize with others, face and overcome challenges, allay conflicts, importantly do everything without any stress.
Emotional Intelligence is a key to de-stressing yourself, relating well with others, and achieving your goals. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate the positive emotions & and positive moments in life. At the same time, Don’t ignore the negative feelings and negative moments. Explore the same, everything teaches you something.
By practicing these strategies, you can be more focused and more productive even on unpredictable days.
Photo credits : Unsplash
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