Causes for Obesity & Tips for weight loss
What is Obesity?
Obesity is a complex disease involving excessive amount of body fat that presents a risk to health. There are many causes for being obese and it is initially common in developing countries and now widely present all over the world. It is the direct result of unhealthy food habits and lack of physical activities. An important problem need to address and correct by each individuals who has suffered from Obesity.
This article, I have discussed about the causes for Obesity and tips for weight loss. Before going for weight loss, evaluate the reason behind the weight gain and takes steps based on that.
Causes for Obesity:
Obesity is eating more calories beyond your routine activities.
Genetic: It affects how your body processes food in to energy and how fat is stored during the process. E.g Bardet Biedl syndrome and Pradar-willi syndrome.
Predisposing illness: Cushings syndrome, PCOD, Hypothyroidism. Sometimes weight gain is the reason for getting affected by these illness.
Other causes for obesity:
- Growing older can lead to less muscle mass and slower metabolic rate which makes easier to gain weight. That’s why our Ancestors insisted us to focus on diet when the age increases.
- Pregnancy, quite common and unavoidable
- Lack of sleep disturbs your hormonal balance which thereby increases your appetite and craves for high calories, carbohydrate food results in weight gain.
- Microbiome– Any disturbances in your gut good bacteria hampers Digestion and Assimilation results in Weight gain. Click here to know more about Good bacteria.
- Stress/ Mental and Emotional health distress disturbs the entire system makes you to eat more which resulted in weight gain.
- Quitting smoking – Increased appetite is the common withdrawal symptom of smoking. Smoking acts as a appetite suppressant and may slightly increases your metabolism. When you quit smoking, appetite and metabolism back to normal, which leads to increased appetite.
- “YO- YO dieting”– previous attempt to lose weight. It is otherwise called “weight cycling” pattern of losing weight, regaining it and dieting again. Unhealthy one and bad for you.
- Lifestyle choices– Unhealthy diet, Physical inactivity, Liquid calories{Sugared soft drinks, high calorie beverages.}
- Binge -Eating Disorder
- Certain Medications like Antidepressants, Anti seizures drugs, Diabetic medicines, Antipsychotics, Steroids, Beta blockers.
An important factor need to know when you are in weight loss journey is You cannot able to see your initial weight reduction in kgs {weight machines}. Here is the point, people get demotivated and withdraw all plans. Then??? What to do?
Measure your Arm, chest, waist and thigh circumference accurately in cms..When you are in weight loss journey, you can see the reduction in cms in circumferences during the initial days which boosts you to continue the journey and adopt healthy lifestyle.
Tips for weight loss:
Who are you?
A. Active, Consistent and having burning desire to reduce weight earlier and adopt Healthy life style
B. Lazy, foodie, difficult to be consistent, sluggish to form a habit.
Remember, weight loss is not a Destination, It is a journey!! So you need habits to adopt to reduce weight and prevent weight gain.
A. Are you Active & Consistent…? Here is the tips for weight loss
1.Sleep 8 hours a day
2. Go for 16 hours daily fasting. Fasting better at during night time. If you find 16/8 intermittent fasting difficult, start with 14 hours later extend in to 16 hours fasting
3.Walk daily 1 hour. Start slow walking and gradually increases your speed day by day. Monitor steps E.g. if you start walking as 5000 steps for one hour, gradually increase the speed and reach 10000 steps per hour.
4. Do active Physical exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days per week. No need to go to Gym, Do Jumping jacks, Burpees and planks.
5.Do Breathing exercises, increased oxygen causes breakdown of fat and promotes weight loss.
6.Take lemon juice with hot water in Empty stomach instead of tea & coffee.
7.Take Hot water before going to bed ,it makes you hydrated throughout the night.
8.Take cold water shower{Cold shock precautions!!}How to use water wisely ..Click here
9.Those who are not able to do intermittent fasting, follow this diet Morning: Fruits alone or 2 idly/2 Bread with vegetables Lunch: More vegetables with 1/3rd part of rice Dinner: Vegetables 2 idly/ 2 bread. In between take lemon tea or green tea.
10.When you are obese and taking low quantities of body, stored fat is utilized for energy. Dullness you are having is because of your mind not because of low intake. So don’t worry about taking these kind of foods.
11.Avoid sugary items like beverages, cold drinks , Oily spicy food and milk products.
12.Drink plenty of water.
13.Cook your meal, avoid outside foods.
14.Focus your mind, practice Mindfulness and Meditation.
If you are following these schedule, you will see promising changes in your weight within 2 months.
Tracking your Weight and measurements make you motivated.
Read also : Obesity Management and tips to lose weight at Home
Are you Lazy, difficult to be consistent…? Here is the tips for weight loss
Don’t go for massive or immediate weight reduction measures. Because it may end in more weight gain when compared to previous weight. {Yo- Yo dieting}
Remember this mantra,” Slow & steady wins the race”
Consistency is a key for any success. So you need to focus on consistency rather than other factors.
- Sleep for 8 hours
- Fasting for 12 to 14 hours daily
- Walking 10 minutes a day , you can increase it based on your time. But 10 minutes walking a day is must for first 21 days. Later you can increase in to 20 minutes walking a day for next 42 days. Since you are consistently walked 10 minutes for previous 21 days, it will be easy for you to walk for another 45 days. So totally 66 days, it is enough for being consistent.
- Do stretching and plank, totally for 5 minutes, 3 times per week.
- Do Breathing exercise.
- Eat 3 times a day. Don’t skip meals, because it ends in Binge eating. Try to avoid Non- veg foods or else eat non-veg maximum 2 times per week.
- Take fruits instead of snacks. Avoid beverages, sugary soft drinks.
- Track your measurements which I have already mentioned about its significance.
- Cook your meals and avoid food outside.
- When you are following these for 2 months, you become active and consistent and follow the A protocol to reduce your weight little faster.
Bonus tips:
If you ate your desired food in large quantities, increase your walking and exercise time on the next day.
Things to do:
- Reward yourself when you are consistent and on the track
- Hang out with likeminded people, it gives positive peer pressure.
- Start a day with positive quote.
- Manage your time. – Tips & Tricks to manage your time
- Stay Positive, everything has some gestational period, so” Be patient”.
When you have discipline, willpower and Determination, Nothing is impossible!!
Obesity Management and tips to lose weight at home
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